5 AM Prayer Meetings - Filled to Overflowing!

Once arrived at our final destination, we got into the full routine of worship.  We attended a 5 AM prayer meeting, held daily at the Vietnamese Baptist Church and assumed that it would be just a couple of folks kneeling down silently praying. What we found was a church full of people – sometimes out the door – worshiping, studying the Bible and then pouring their hearts out in prayer to the Lord for a full hour of worship. We looked forward to this daily time of prayer and praise and saw what power there was in spending that time with the Lord – certainly a contributing factor to the revival that is happening in this area We were asked by the Pastor to teach every morning and we were able to do that almost daily. The first week or so we taught through the Gospel of  John and the “Role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer”,  and the following weeks we taught on “Spiritual gifts” as found in 1 Corinthians 11:7-11. The Lord really used these lessons to clarify some mis-understandings, but also to stir the hearts of those worshiping causing, all of us to seek more of Him.